The Prince of the Peace comes in this world and for Christmas he appears as a small, poor and fragile being : a man’s young in a crib surrounded with Mary and Joseph… He is surrounded with the shepherds come in neighbours to contemplate him… even witches came many miles to adore him and carrying presents… Every newborn child should be welcomed so ! The world is not regrettably so, each according to our country, we know differences about child’s rights ! On November 20th , every year, these rights are reaffirmed. Christmas is this moment when every human being wants to be called out deep down in his/her heart on his/her action with the children. God shows himself as he is, weak in his incarnation, strong by his presence… Following Jesus, the MIDADE wants to welcome the weakness of the children but to make grow up their presence in this world which is to be transformed into haven of Peace. It’s our turn in the peace and the enjoyment of the hope that offers us Christmas !
Patrice – 6 décembre 14